===== Usage ===== In this chapter I will explain how to configure the k2hr3_osnl. The k2hr3_osnl primarily consists of three parts of processing. 1. Listening to OpenStack service backend 2. Parsing messages from OpenStack service backend to extract an instance-id 3. Calling the k2hr3 api with the instance-id ``k2hr3_osnl.conf`` defines the k2hr3_osnl behavior. You can get the path by two commands. .. code-block:: console $ sudo pip3 show -f k2hr3_osnl Name: k2hr3-osnl ... Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages Requires: oslo.messaging, oslo.config Files: ../../../bin/k2hr3_osnl ../../../etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf ... $ python -c " > import os; > print(os.path.abspath('/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/../../../etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf')); > " /usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf ``/usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf`` is it in this case. Please note all information here I describe is based on `OpenStack Rocky`_. .. _`OpenStack Rocky`: https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/index.html Listening to OpenStack service backend ------------------------------------------ The following 3 parameters define the listener behavior: ``transport_url``, ``topic`` and ``exchange`` in k2hr3_osnl.conf. The ``transport_url`` specifies the address of OpenStack service backend and how to connect with it. oslo.messaging_ describes the syntax: .. _oslo.messaging: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.messaging/latest/admin/AMQP1.0.html#transport-url-enable transport://user:pass@host1:port[,hostN:portN]/virtual_host The transport value specifies the notification backend as one of **amqp**, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka and other backend. The default backend is RabbitMQ. For Instance, assuming the backend service is RabbitMQ , the file might contain: .. code-block:: INI [oslo_messaging_notifications] transport_url = rabbit://guest:guestpass@ The setting above means: * rabbitmq is a backend server. * user name is guest. * password is guestpass. * address is localhost. * port is 5672. Please note username and password is required for security reason. `RabbitMQ User Management`_ describes how to add a username and password. .. _`RabbitMQ User Namagement`: https://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmqctl.8.html#User_Management The ``topic`` parameter identifies where a message should be sent or what messages the k2hr3_osnl is listening for. The OpenStack services emit messages by the `oslo.messaging Notifier`_ which requires ``topic(s)``. A default value of ``topic(s)`` is ``notifications`` which is the same with the k2hr3_osnl's default ``topic`` value. An example of what the file might contain is: .. _`oslo.messaging Notifier`: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.messaging/latest/reference/notifier.html .. code-block:: INI [oslo_messaging_notifications] topic = notifications Please note the ``topic`` must be the same between OpenStack services and the k2hr3_osnl, because it is a part of subscriber queue name in OpenStack backend that the k2hr3_osnl listens to. So please remember you would need update it if OpenStack service administrators can change it the other value. The final parameter is ``exchange``. This parameter represents a container within which each service's topics are scoped. OpenStack services register the exchange when the send notifications by calling the set_transport_defaults_ function in oslo.messaging. The default value of ``exchange`` is 'openstack'. .. _set_transport_defaults: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.messaging/latest/reference/transport.html#oslo_messaging.set_transport_defaults What I have explained in this chapter: * k2hr3_osnl connect with OpenStack service backend by transport_url. * OpenStack services publish notifications to the configured exchange with a configured topic. * The default topic name is ``notifications``. It can be changed. * The exchange is almost same with the OpenStack service publishes the notification message. Parsing a message --------------------- A message format depends on your OpenStack service settings. Currently the k2hr3_osnl can parse the following 3 kinds of message. 1. a message from OpenStack neutron 2. a versioned message from OpenStack nova 3. a non-versioned message from OpenStack nova I will explain them one by one. Parsing a message from OpenStack neutron ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We assume the following message from `OpenStack neutron`_. .. _`OpenStack neutron`: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ .. code-block:: javascript { "event_type": "port.delete.end", "message_id": "76c35877-9d0c-4faf-b4e5-7c51828f37a0", "payload": { ... "device_id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678", "device_owner": "compute:nova", "extra_dhcp_opts": [], "fixed_ips": [ { "ip_address": "", "subnet_id": "subnet01-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" }, { "ip_address": "2001:db8::6", "subnet_id": "subnet02-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" } ], ... }, "priority": "INFO", "publisher_id": "network.hostname.domain_name", "timestamp": "2018-11-25 09:00:06.842727" } The ``event_type`` represents a event which OpenStack services send notification about and the ``publisher_id`` identifies who published the message. Let's see the 'oslo_messaging_notifications' group configuration to catch this message. .. code-block:: ini [oslo_messaging_notifications] event_type = ^port\.delete\.end$ publisher_id = ^network.*$ transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@ topic = notifications exchange = neutron The ``event_type`` and ``publisher_id`` define white rules that means k2hr3_osnl only parse the messages that match the filter’s rules. If your `Openstack neutron`_ emits a same message with this example, you can use the same configure with this example. .. _`OpenStack neutron`: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ Please note we assume the `OpenStack neutron`_ use the **messagingv2** driver_. If you don't know much about the driver what your `OpenStack neutron`_ uses, Please ask your OpenStack system administrator or investigate your /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Here is my neutron.conf setting. .. code-block:: ini [oslo_messaging_notifications] # # From oslo.messaging # # The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are # messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop (multi valued) # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_driver driver = messagingv2 .. _`OpenStack neutron`: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ .. _driver: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/configuration/neutron.html#oslo-messaging-notifications What I have explained in this chapter: * k2hr3_osnl only listen to the message matches with defined in the configuration. * Regular expression in filters is allowed. Parsing versioned messages from OpenStack nova ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this chapter I will explain how to configure the k2hr3_osnl to parse messages from `OpenStack nova`_. When we tested the k2hr3_osnl with `OpenStack neutron`_ with the driver_ configuration was **not** messagingv2, the k2hr3_osnl could not get any notification messages we expected. If you met with same situation, please try the configuration in this chapter. .. _`OpenStack nova`: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/ .. _`OpenStack neutron`: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ We assume the following message from `OpenStack nova`_. .. _`OpenStack nova`: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/ .. code-block:: javascript { "event_type" : "instance.delete.end", "payload": { "nova_object.data": { "action_initiator_project": "project_string", ... "block_devices": [ { "nova_object.data": { ... "volume_id": "volumeid-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" }, "nova_object.name": "BlockDevicePayload", "nova_object.namespace": "nova", "nova_object.version": "1.0" } ], ... "host": "node1.example.com", ... "uuid": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678" }, "priority": "INFO", "publisher_id" : "nova-compute:node1.example.com", } Here is a sample ``oslo_messaging_notifications`` group configuration k2hr3_osnl can read the message above. .. code-block:: ini [oslo_messaging_notifications] event_type = ^instance\.delete\.end$ publisher_id = ^nova-compute:.*$ transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@ topic = versioned_notifications exchange = nova You will recognize all items other than transport_url are different with neutron's case! Each OpenStack service defines its own event_type. FIY: `OpenStack nova`_ defines many event types. .. _`OpenStack nova`: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/ https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/reference/notifications.html#existing-versioned-notifications What I have explained in this chapter: * `OpenStack nova`_ publishes different messages format from `OpenStack neutron`_. * k2hr3_osnl can read messages from `OpenStack nova`_ too by changing the configuration. .. _`OpenStack nova`: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/ .. _`OpenStack neutron`: https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ List of configuration items ---------------------------- Settings in the configuration file define the k2hr3_osnl behavior except for loglevel. Loglevel augments override loglevel settings in configuration. If you want to change the loglevel only, you need not to change configuration file. use ``-d`` option. .. code-block:: console $ k2hr3_osnl --help usage: k2hr3_osnl [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-l {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-f LOG_FILE] [-v] An oslo.messaging notification listener for k2hr3. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE config file path -d {debug,info,warn,error,critical} debug level. default: defined in the config_file -l {debug,info,warn,error,critical} dependent libraries loglevel. default: defined in the config_file -f LOG_FILE log file path. default: defined in the config_file -v show program's version number and exit The configuration file consists of 3 parts. * oslo_messaging_notifications configurations for the oslo_messaging library. * k2hr3 configurations for the K2hR3 system. * DEFAULT the others. The configuration file syntax is the ".INI" format. Here is a default sample configuration. .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] debug_level = error log_file = sys.stderr libs_debug_level = warning [oslo_messaging_notifications] event_type = ^port\.delete\.end$ publisher_id = ^network.*$ transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@ topic = notifications exchange = neutron executor = threading pool = k2hr3_osnl allow_requeue = True [k2hr3] api_url = https://localhost/v1/role timeout_seconds = 30 retries = 3 retry_interval_seconds = 60 allow_self_signed_cert = False requeue_on_error = False [DEFAULT] ~~~~~~~~~ debug_level logging level. Each of debug, info, warning or error. (**default:** warning). log_file destination of logging. (**default:** sys.stderr) libs_debug_level log level. (**default:** warning) [oslo_messaging_notifications] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ event_type event type of the notification message(**default:** ^port\.delete\.end$). publisher_id publisher id of the notification message(**default:** ^network.*$) transport_url transport url(**default:** rabbit://guest:guest@ topic topic of the notification message(**default:** notifications) exchange exchange of the notification message(**default:** neutron) executor executor of the listener(**default:** threading) pool n pool identification of message queue(**default:** k2hr3_osnl) allow_requeue allow requeue if error occurred(**default:** True) [k2hr3] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ api_url K2hR3 WebAPI Url(**default:** https://localhost/v1/role). timeout_seconds connection timeout in second(**default:** 30) retries retries(**default:** 3) retry_interval_seconds interval(**default:** 60) allow_self_signed_cert certification(**default:** True) requeue_on_error error(**default:** True)