.. highlight:: shell ============ Installation ============ Stable release -------------- To install K2hR3 OpenStack Notification Listener, run this command in your terminal: .. code-block:: console $ sudo pip install k2hr3_osnl This is the preferred method to install K2hR3 OpenStack Notification Listener, as it will always install the most recent stable release. If you don't have `pip`_ installed, this `Python installation guide`_ can guide you through the process. .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io .. _Python installation guide: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/installation/ Configuration ------------- There are two primary configurations in ``k2hr3_onsl.conf``: * ``transport_url`` The message queue server location with an username and a password. * ``api_url`` The k2hr3 WebApi server location. The following figure can help you to understand the transport_url and api_url: .. image:: k2hr3_osnl_configure.png The ``k2hr3_osnl.conf`` path depends on the pip_ command shipped in your OS. You can get the path by two commands. .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io .. code-block:: console $ sudo pip3 show -f k2hr3_osnl Name: k2hr3-osnl ... Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages Requires: oslo.messaging, oslo.config Files: ../../../bin/k2hr3_osnl ../../../etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf ... $ python -c " > import os; > print( > os.path.abspath( > '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/../../../etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf' > ) > ); > " /usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf ``/usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf`` is it. You should change the ``transport_url`` and the ``api_url`` setting for your environment. .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] debug_level = error [oslo_messaging_notifications] event_type = ^port\.delete\.end$ publisher_id = ^network.*$ transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@ topic = notifications exchange = neutron [k2hr3] api_url = https://localhost/v1/role allow_self_signed_cert = False FYI: The `Usage` page describes every setting parameters. Start ----- This chapter instructs how to install the listener. .. code-block:: console $ sudo k2hr3_osnl -c /path/to/k2hr3_osnl.conf No error means the listener successfully starts to listen to the next notification message. Service Management ------------------ While you have already successfully started the listener, you would like to prepare for following troubles. * The listener process is dead after the OS rebooted. * The listener is dead when you have stopped the terminal which started the listener. Most of modern OSs provide the way to register a process as a service to the service management system which launches them at boot time and stops them at shutdown. systemd_ is one of such a service which is installed in Debian 9, Fedora 28, CentOS 7 and other recent Linux distributions. .. _systemd: https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ An example of what systemd_ config file might look like is: .. _systemd: https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ .. code-block:: ini [Unit] Description=k2hr3_osnl After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/tmp Environment=HOME=/tmp User=nobody Group=nobody ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/k2hr3_osnl -c /usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf Restart=on-failure PIDFile=/var/run/k2hr3_osnl.pid [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target FYI: systemd.unit_ and systemd.service_ page describe meaning of parameters. .. _systemd.service: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html# .. _systemd.unit: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html# The syntax is the ".INI" style. ``ExecStart`` specifies the absolute ``k2hr3_osnl`` path. The path depends on your OS. I found it in ``/usr/local/bin/k2hr3_osnl`` in my environment. .. code-block:: console $ which k2hr3_osnl /usr/local/bin/k2hr3_osnl After update the ``ExecStart``, save the configuration to the ``/lib/systemd/system/k2hr3_osnl.service`` and register it to systemd_. Please note the systemd configuration path depends on you OS. .. _systemd: https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo systemctl enable k2hr3_osnl.service After that, you tell systemd_ to look for your service at the first command and you tell systemd_ to enable it at the second command, so that it will start every time the system boots. .. _systemd: https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ Then, you start the k2hr3_osnl as a service. .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl start k2hr3_osnl.service You can see the service status: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl status k2hr3_osnl.service If you have got some errors, you should check logs put on stderr at first. Then please send a issue with it from issue_. .. _issue: https://github.com/hiwakaba/k2hr3_osnl/issues